With this Kandinsky art project, you can create a creative, colorful abstract painting. For this project, we read the book “The Noisy Paintbox”. After reading the book, I asked my daughter what she thought about the story, and gave her time to tell me what she thought about the book. Next, we looked at some of Kandinsky’s works. As usual, I used the steps outlined in this post.

Tip: If you are short on time, have a younger, more wiggly little one or just aren’t super interested in the art history portion, no worries! Just skip to the project section and get started on step one right away!
Elements we covered:
- Line
- Shape
- Color
- Watercolor paper
- oil pastels (scroll down on the product page to find the exact set we have!)
- watercolor paint
- brush (I like the one that comes with the watercolor set linked above)
- Here’s more supply options: watercolor paper, watercolor paint set, oil pastels)

Note: I encouraged my little artist to make her own choices about her Kandinsky art project and where to place her shapes. Try mixing it up from the example.
First, Draw three circles with two of them overlapping.

Second, draw 2 rectangles. Have at least one overlap with another shape.

Next, Make a “U” shaped line, be sure it touches an edge of your paper.

Still using your pastel, draw two straight lines, be sure they touch the edge of the page and have one of them intersect with other shapes.

Then draw two diagonal lines

Next, create a zig-zag line.

Lastly, draw a squiggly line.

It’s time to watercolor!

Begin by filling in 2-4 shapes with each color.

While watercoloring, be sure to let the shapes dry before putting another color next to it.

Letting the shapes dry before putting another color next to it will help keep colors from running together.

Finally, admire your little one’s masterpiece!
I hope you enjoyed this project! We’d LOVE to see YOUR Kandinsky inspired artwork! Tag me on social media and use the hashtag #amybaileyart or comment below to let me know how it went!
(Note: This post contains some affiliate links, but all opinions are my own. Because of my sincere commitment to honesty and transparency, I will never recommend a product I have not used and tested myself. Any compensation I may receive helps with expenses to keep this blog up and running! Thank you for all your support!)